Saturday, May 16, 2009

Girl's weekend!

Trev finished his finals for the semester this week and then was invited to a Men's Weekend at Malibu, a Young Life camp up in Canada. We were so excited that Trev would be able to have a few days of vacation with some great guys. So Belle and I have been having a delightful girl's weekend! Some good friends of ours helped me out by watching Belle on Thursday and Friday morning when I had to work and AB and I have spent the rest of the time together. We've gone to parks, visited the library, seen some friends and more! This morning we went out to Hovander Park. They have a few animals to look at, a small park, trails to walk and is right next to the river.

AB ran around with this little girl for at least 15 minutes. They would run and look at the geese, then run about 100 feet and look at the bunnies, then back to the geese, then bunnies, then they would mix it up and look a rooster or sit on a bunch... and then back and forth between the geese and bunnies again. It was pretty funny to watch.
When we first saw these pigs they were digging their snouts in the dirt. Apparently that took a lot out of them. Haha! I thought it was pretty funny that they were cuddling and its foot was in ist food. They're probably not grossed out by that. I mean, it can't be much worse then the dirt they were eating earlier. ;)

We can't wait to see daddy tomorrow, but we are having fun together in the meantime!
Date night!

AB was reading next to Trev as he was studying. They took a quick break for a quick toast.


It is that time of year again. The sun is making regular appearances, you don't have to wear a jacket and we are spending A LOT more time at parks. We've found a new waterside walk and park at Lake Samish - beautiful! The photo above is on one of the docks at Lake Samish. They had fun dipping their feet in the water.

As I said, AB loves loves loves slides!!

I wonder what this sweet girl is thinking.