My parents took us on a boat trip to Sucia Island in the San Juan Islands last month and we camped there for two nights. It is a beautiful place to camp. The island is in the shape of a funky H and we camped right in the middle of it on a ridge of land. When we stepped out of our tent and looked to the right there was a cove and when we looked to the left there was a small bay. We went exploring on the beaches, ate smores three times (once was just after breakfast!), went crabbing in the dinghy and relaxed. Belle spent one night on her grandparent's boat for a sleepover and the next night Trev stayed with both kids in the tent and let me enjoy an uninterrupted kid-free night on the boat. What a man!

Jack Attack fell asleep on Grandpa's while we were on a walk and kept napping on him once we get back to camp. He was tuckered out.

There were purple starfish ALL over the ricky parts of the beach!

Here is one of the sunsets we saw from our campground. Just beautiful.

AB played in the sand a ton! She really enjoyed being outside all day while we were camping. She thrives on playing outside and she was making the most of it.

AB playing fetch with someone else's dog.

Grandma and Grandpa tend to fight a lot, especially when there is driftwood around. We had to break them up a few times. ;)

Jack is uber concerned with how his hair looks. He really wanted to showcase his red locks and opted for a hawk one morning. I think it looks stellar.

More sand play. She couldn't get enough of it!
It was beautiful and sunny the whole time we were there... until the morning we boated back to Bellingham. Then it was overcast, chilly, WINDY and when we started our journey across the water it was so so so choppy. Jack slept in my arms the whole time and Trev, Belle and I all felt a bit nauseous by the end of the hour-long trek. I boated quite frequently when I was a kid and I think this was the first time I felt yucky from boating. That can tell you how choppy the water was that day!