We had our first snowfall a couple of days ago. AB kept running to the window and looking at it. She and I even went on a walk to the store while it was snowing. It didn't last long but it was beautiful to watch while it was here.
Again, so sorry for leaving the same old blog post for almost 2 month. Yikes! That is way too long. Do any of you ever feel like you can't quite catch up? That's how I've felt lately. With being a wife, a mom of two, packing up one home, unpacking in another, helping with our church and the holiday season upon us I can't seem to keep on top of it all. Unfortunately the blog has been sliding lower and lower on the priority list. But the good news is it moved to the top tonight! Why? Because I can't do my Christmas shopping at 11pm (since I don't do much of it online) and I also can't take a Christmas card picture because I am the only one still awake. Maybe I'll try to start tackling those tomorrow. Maybe. ;)
Annabelle celebrated her 3rd birthday on October 3rd. I can't believe she is 3 already!! She is growing so much! She knows all of her letters and most of her numbers (we don't practice those as much). She LOVES puzzles right now and is really good at them. She loves loving her brother (sometimes a little TOO much). She throws tea parties for her animals and babies and is a really good host to them. She likes playing with other kids but also enjoys playing by herself. She likes dressing up in her lady bug wings and running through the house yelling "Fly, fly, fly!" She sings A LOT! She'll sing about anything, really. A few weeks ago she was singing about us all being buckled up in the car. It's pretty funny. She likes taking baths, except for the part when I pour water over her head... she doesn't like that at all. She loves bedtime stories and wants daddy to tell her one every night. She loves being outside. And we love her!!!
Another things that AB is interested in is trains, the real ones on the real tracks. She's not so interested in playing with train sets. Whenever we here a train going by she gets so excited and a few months ago we told her that sometime we would take her on a train ride. Well that made her really excited so we decided to take the Amtrak down to Tacoma for her birthday party. The week before we went all she could talk about was the train she was going to take and eating her birthday cake. Those were about the only two things on her mind. Train, cake, train, cake, train, cake.
We ended up having such a fabulous time on the train. I don't know who loved it most- me, Trev or Belle! Jack didn't think much about it as he slept most of the time. Annabelle loved looking out the window and we rode by a pumpkin patch and beautiful waterfront. We enjoyed time to read, play with stickers and just talk to each other. It's so fun not to be strapped to a seat for the entire time, which I think was Belle's favorite part.
Daddy and daughter enjoying the train ride
Checking out the sites.
We stayed at Grandma Kay and Grandpa John's while in Tacoma. They surprised us by having a beautifully landscaped backyard! It was amazing! And of course I didn't get any pictures of it as a whole. When we were there a month before it was all dirt so it was amazing to see the transformation. Annabelle really loved it because she could run around and play in it, which wasn't as fun to do when it was all dirt. In the picture above I think she is taking in the all the beauty of the yard from atop one of the rocks.
Some family and friends came to a little party we had for her. Above are AB's friends Caitlyn and Charlotte. The girls played together for hours that night and they all got along so well. Quite impressive for a group of 2 and 3 year olds. ;)
Happy Birthday sweet girl!
Our little red head sounds asleep... he does that a lot these days.
Before Jack was born we ventured out to City Park in Lynden for the first time since they redesigned the park. It is such a great park! They have a side for older kids and one for younger kids. It is completely surrounded by a fence so you feel safe letting your kids run around the whole place. There are slides, bars, nets to climb, ramps to run up and down, a tire swing, swings and more! Annabelle actually enjoyed playing on the side for bigger kids. They even have a tunnel slide which Trev said was pitch black inside for at least half of the ride, but Belle had no fear! She just kept going down the slide whether dad was going with her or not.
Belle is quite the climber. She usually wants to try and climb anything around her... whether it is a net, a toy, a person, a chair, etc.
Crossing the monkey bars with a little (okay, a lot) of help from dad.
It has been one crazy week and we are finally settling into life as a family of four. It started with our sweet little boy being content to stay in the womb days past his due date (I guess that is why they refer to it sometimes as a due month). We were going to try and let the little guy come naturally but our plans are not always the plans the Lord has in store for us. We found out last Wednesday that my Grandma Bernice passed away, whom we loved her dearly and will really miss. It is something that we knew would happen in the coming months, but was still a bit of a shock when it actually happened. Obviously, I wanted to be able to attend the funeral and what added another twist to the events was that Trev would be officiating the funeral service. My dad had asked him months before if he would be willing to do this when my grandma did pass and Trev was honored at the request.
We decided the best option was to induce labor. We would then know when we were having the baby and would give us a few days after having him before we would need to head to Tacoma for the funeral. We went into the hospital on Friday morning at 6:30am to start the induction. We waited around for a few hours for another mom to deliver so we would be assured a room and a nurse. They started me on petocin at about 10am and we delivered our sweet boy just before 4pm that afternoon. It was a fairly smooth delivery and I only had to push for about 20 minutes!
We are so thankful that Jack has joined our family and Annabelle is quite taken with him. She always wants to check on him when he is sleeping, hold him, hug him, kiss him and help burp him after he eats. We praise the Lord for our healthy son and for seeing us through this past week. Trev did a wonderful job speaking at Grandma Bernice's funeral and it was great to see many family and friends and introduce them to Jack when he was only 4 days old. Thank you to everyone who was praying for us. And a special thank you to my mom who spent a few days with Annabelle loving and caring for her while we were in the hospital. Thank you!
Oh, and did I mention that Trev also started his class for seminary last Thursday and he is speaking this Sunday night at our church? I think Trev wins the prize for most things to do in one week in our family. We spent a lot of time in prayer this past week and we praise the Lord for answering our prayers and helping Trev prepare the funeral service, complete some classwork, prepare a sermon and welcome a son into the world and take care of his wife and daughter! I love you, sweet husband! You're the best!